Monday, 29 April 2013

When You Wish Upon a Star

19 April

This was it. The day we had been waiting for. Disneyland. We met, eagerly jumped on the metro, but rather tentatively onto the train after recent events, and then the excitement set in. It seemed to take forever to get there, but when we finally did, “all our dreams came true.” We approached the gates, some getting more unable than others to hide their excitement and in no time, we were in.

Disneyland. “Is this real?!?!” “We’re in Disneyland in PARIS!!!” We all scuffled to decide where to go first, and then to get on the first ride. Some wanted to be Indiana Jones in Adventureland, a Settler in Frontierland, a Prince or Princess on Fantasyland, or a sci-fi ninja in Discoveryland, while others headed over to Walt Disney Studios, the other mini-park that included the scariest ride of all: The Hollywood Hotel Tower of Terror (where Romain worked, a lovely young man who flirted terribly with some of us…).

As the day went on, none of us lost our enthusiasm to try a new ride or buy some overpriced souvenirs. Some of us stayed late in order to watch “Disney Dreams”, a special show including fireworks dedicated to the 20 year anniversary of Disneyland Paris.

Looking very worn for wear, we all enjoyed being sung to about which animals we all were by the jaded Saskia on the train home, all content that we had made the most of our day in paradise.

By Lewis Gibson

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